featured ports

expanding offshore supply capabilities in houston

In November 2022, Chevron Marine established an expanded partnership with Belle Chasse Marine Texas, as the transportation provider to become our new delivery agent (DA) partner for the Texas coast.

Based out of the Port of Houston, the largest port in the U.S for Chevron Marine Lubricants, Belle Chasse Marine Texas is capable of delivering lubricants to ships while offshore near Texas, offering vessels a means to receive lubricants while waiting at anchorage.


As Belle Chase is already our DA in the New Orleans area ports and Panama port, this expanded partnership further enhances our offshore supply capabilities.


This partnership creates a significant opportunity for Chevron Marine, with 22,000 deep-draft vessel transits being made every year from the port of Houston. The port of Houston is also ranked 7th in the world for the number of 20-foot shipping containers.


Since we expanded our supply capabilities in Houston with this DA in November, we have made several deliveries to key customer vessels offshore of Galveston, Texas.

Expanding Offshore Supply Capabilities in Houston

why take lubricants offshore?

Bulk delivery of lubricants offshore provides a more efficient means of delivery for vessels.


  • LNG vessels cannot take bulk lubes via barge or trucks at the dock due to dock restrictions.
  • Other vessels stay offshore for lightering operations and receive supplies via a launch, the cost of which is, in many cases, higher than what Belle Chase Marine Transportation charges.
  • Vessels do not have to handle or dispose of drums when receiving lubricants in bulk.
  • In many cases, the vessels may have to wait for up to a week to be called into the port, so they can receive bunkers and supplies while waiting.
  • Several docks are now charging vessel owners for barges to come alongside them.
  • When vessels are at the dock, bunkers take priority and vessels are not at the dock long enough to take both.