health, safety and environment

committed to operational excellence

protecting people and the environment is a core chevron value

As a business, and as a member of the world community, Chevron Marine Lubricants is committed to the well being of our customers, partners, employees, and the countries in which we operate.

In all aspects of our business, we are committed to:


  • Achieving injury-free workplaces
  • Helping to eliminate spills and environmental incidents, and identifying and mitigating key environmental risks
  • Promoting healthy workplaces and mitigating significant health risks
  • Operating incident-free, with industry-leading asset reliability
  • Maximizing the efficient use of resources and assets


To meet these objectives, leaders at all levels establish and maintain a culture where everyone believes that all incidents are preventable and that "zero incidents" is possible. This requires active leadership and engagement by all of our employees.


Whether as a customer, contractor, or business partner, we invite you to join us in our commitment to Health, Environment, and Safety. 

IMPA act preferred supplier 2021

This is to certify the recognition as IMPA ACT Preferred Supplier of Chevron Marine Lubricants