Taro® DP and XL series lubricants are high-performance diesel engine oils for medium-speed trunk piston diesel engines. Taro DP and XL series are blended with highly refined base oils and carefully selected additives. Taro DP and XL series lubricants
have very good viscosity control when used in severe high-temperature service, and the BN retention characteristics helps to prevent corrosive wear over long periods of operation. The unique detergent and dispersant additive system promotes piston cleanliness as well as control of fuel contaminants. This results in extreme reduction of both “hot” (piston lands and grooves, piston undercrown, purifier preheaters) and “cold” (crankcase, cambox, rocker area, fuel pumps, purifier bowl) deposits. Taro DP and XL series lubricants provide a high degree of water tolerance and have good water separation.
Taro DP and XL series lubricants are recommended for medium-speed trunk piston diesel engines burning residual or marine diesel fuels. Taro DP and XL series should be used in accordance with OEM guidelines and recommendations. The good load carrying capacity of Taro DP and XL series lubricants also makes these suitable for use in engine reduction gears and other applications where EP properties are required.
MAN Energy Solutions
Wärtsilä and MaK (Caterpillar)
Rolls Royce Bergen
Hyundai Himsen
1. Engine Protection
Controls cylinder liner wear effectively and helps to protect bearings from corrosion. High performance, anti-wear additives can provide protection against wear for cams, camshaft and bearings. Taro® DP and XL series lubricants also promotes a high degree of water tolerance and anti-foam protection.
2. Engine Cleanliness
Helps to ensure clean crankcases, piston interiors and lubricating oil lines.
3. Easy Purification
Effective water and contaminants handling.
4. Smooth Operation
Helps to provide minimum maintenance and downtime, long engine life and economical operating costs.