Important: Change to the FAST™ family of products

Our FAST and DOT.FAST testing service provider, SGS Belgium, will be moving their laboratory from Ghent to Antwerp, and therefore, the address for sending oil samples to Belgium laboratory will change.
Rest assured that samples sent to the old address in Ghent after the relocation date will be picked up and forwarded to the new Antwerp location. We will do our best to minimize disruptions to our services. Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences caused.
For SGS Antwerp:
Chevron Marine Lubricants - FAST PROGRAM
SGS Belgium NV
Polderdijkweg 16
B-2030 Antwerpen
tel. +32 (0)35458411
Couriers’ contact:
Sample reception, tel.: +32 (0)35458439
For SGS Shanghai:
Chevron Marine Lubricants – FAST PROGRAM
SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co. Ltd
88 Pugong Rd, Fengxian District,
Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park,
Shanghai 201507, China
上海市奉贤区化学工业区普工路88号 (201507)
tel. +86 (21)60887042
Couriers’ contact:
Fountain Luo 罗春芳, tel.: +86 (21)60276363